Course Description
This course aims to provide an understanding of the theory and practice of movements in the game of basketball, the basic techniques used in the game, as well as the rules of the game of basketball. Students will learn the basics of basketball such as basic movements, dribbling techniques, passing techniques, and shooting techniques. Apart from that, students will also learn the rules of the game, team strategy, and physical training required in the game of basketball. Through this course, it is hoped that students can develop the technical, tactical and physical skills needed to play basketball well and understand the basic principles of the game of basketball.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa dapat menguasai teori dan praktik gerakan, teknik dasar, serta peraturan permainan bola basket dan mampu merancang dan melaksanakan proyek pembelajaran bola basket dengan mengintegrasikan konsep teoritis dan aplikatif, serta menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab dan keterampilan khusus dalam pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga