Course Description
The Digital Literacy course is a general compulsory course (MKWU) for all Surabaya State University students which is presented in the first year of study. This course provides students with an understanding of the digital world, such as using the internet and social media wisely, finding and filtering information, implementing technology for the world of education, using software for scientific writing, using applications to support fields of study, creating technology-based content, applying programming languages, as well as the use of technology for project collaboration. Activities carried out during learning include practice, discussions, presentations, individual assignments, and final project collaboration.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa memiliki sikap bertanggung jawab, peduli, jujur, mampu bekerjasama, dan bijak dalam menggunakan internet dan sosial media
- Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan teknologi untuk menunjang dunia pendidikan
- Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan penggunaan aplikasi komputer untuk karya ilmiah dan bidang studi
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami program komputer dan menginplementasikan pada kolaborasi project akhir