Course Description
This course is a course that discusses social studies learning planning by planning annual programs (PROTA) and semester programs (PROMES) which use the educational calendar in effect for the current academic year; make plans for implementing social studies learning (RPP) which is oriented towards active student learning with a scientific approach that is relevant to the demands of the 2013 curriculum, the demands of 21st century learning; develop teaching materials in social studies learning, in the form of modules/dictates/handouts that can be used in social studies learning which are able to provide meaningful learning experiences; develop student worksheets in the form of worksheets, job sheets, practical instructions in social studies learning that are oriented towards student activity/activity; developing an assessment sheet in social studies learning that measures the achievement of learning competencies using a project based learning approach with inquiry, discussion, question and answer, assignment methods. Assessment is carried out by performance, written tests and portfolios.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menguasai prosedur perencanaan Pembelajaran IPS sesuai kurikulum yang berlaku.
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang modul ajar (RPP) sesuai dengan kurikulum yang berlaku.