Course Description
Discusses the nature of education; consistency of Ki Hajar Dewantara‘s thinking; Liberating educational ideology; literacy and logic, practicalism and formality in the world of education; academic traditions, intellectual and scholarly responsibilities; school leadership; school management; class management; student behavior related to the socio-cultural dynamics of society; community and school communication; problems of geography education.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu mengidentifikasi konesp Ideologi dan filsafat pendidikan yang mendasari kebijakan pendidikan
- Mampu mengidentifikasi persoalan sumberdaya pendidikan
- Mampu mengidentifikasi persoalan pembelajaran geografi dan proses evaluasi pendidikan dan pembelajaran
- Mampu merumuskan konsep managemen dan kepemimpinan pendidikan
- Mampu mengevaluasi persoalan pembelajaran geografi dan proses evaluasi pendidikan dan pembelajaran