Course Description
Pancasila is the Indonesian State Philosophy, which in its implementation is based on the philosophical values of the Pancasila principles. Therefore, the Pancasila values implemented in the life of the Indonesian nation must be reflected as clear guidelines, so that normatively they do not deviate from the essence of Pancasila. The study of Pancasila is carried out using a philosophical approach, which includes philosophy and the nature of ideology, philosophy and the nature of divinity, philosophy and the nature of humans, philosophy and the nature of unity, philosophy and the nature of democracy, philosophy and the nature of justice. The philosophical values of the Pancasila principles are examined with critical discourse as a discourse using discourse theory. With this method, objective truth will be obtained, thereby further strengthening the Indonesian people‘s belief in the value and content of goodness, truth, and accuracy of Pancasila as the state philosophy.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memahami Hakekat Filsafat Pancasila guna menumbuhkan kepekaan dan kesadaran sosial dalam berkehidupan