Course Description
This Thermodynamics MK discusses the basic concepts (macroscopic and microscopic) of thermodynamics, thermal balance, 0th law equations of thermodynamics, equations of state, thermodynamic processes (quasi-static, reversible and irreversible, and cyclical), 1st law equations Thermodynamics, the relationship between internal energy, heat and work in ideal gas systems, isolated systems, closed systems and open systems, and their applications in everyday life. Isothermal, isochoric, isobaric and adiabatic processes. Heat engines, Carnot cycle in ideal gas systems, Entropy of thermodynamic systems, Enthalpy, Gibbs function, and Helmholtz Function, 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Equation, and their application in everyday life in the form of case studies, such as: (1) Engine working principles steamboat, (2) the release of certain gases in the reaction between the vinegar solution and baking powder so that it can inflate balloons, (3) the working principle of rice cookers, and (4) the working principle of refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as (5) analyzing potential damage environment due to exploitation of the use of freon in refrigerator systems. Accompanied by 2 practical activities from the following 4 selected topics: (1) Adiabatic gas law, (2) Ideal gas, (3) Thermal Expansion, and (4) Heat engine.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menguasai pengetahuan tentang konsep konsep dan proses proses dari hukum termodinamika serta persamaan keadaan
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan merumuskan sistem-sistem termodinamika berupa Persamaan Hukum ke nol, kesatu dan kedua Termodinamika dengan bantuan matematika, Entropi sistem termodinamika
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang dan melakukan kegiatan praktikum Termodinamika dengan topik: (1) Adiabatik gas law, (2) Ideal gas, (3) Thermal Expansion, dan (4) Heat engine
- Mahsiswa mampu mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil kegiatan praktikum, dan hasil studi kasus dalam bentuk verbal dan tertulis
- Mahasiswa mampu menyelesaikan studi kasus yang diberikan dengan baik, baik secara individu maupun tim, menganalisis konsep kerja yang terjadi pada sistem termodinamika dalam kehidupan sehari hari