Course Description
Equip students with the ability to write scientific papers and submit them until they are published in reputable international journals (indexed by Scopus or WoS) or international journals indexed by Copernicus. In scientific publications carried out, the student‘s name should be the first author, include the name of the main supervisor (can be the corresponding author), include the affiliation of Surabaya State University. Writing can come from the results of thesis research or review articles related to the field of chemistry and its applications.
Program Objectives (PO)
- 1. Memiliki logika, etika, kejujuran, serta sikap kritis dan terbuka dalam menulis publikasi ilmiah
- 2. Menerapkan konsep, teori, dan metode ilmiah dalam menghasilkan karya ilmiah
- 3. Menyajikan pemecahan masalah melalui pendekatan inter-, multi-, dan trans-disipliner dalam bentuk karya tulis ilmiah
- 4. Mengelola, mengembangkan, dan menetapkan publikasi ilmiah dalam bidang kimia dan terapannya secara bertanggungjawab dan transparan