Course Description
Learning and study of the use of electronic drama in television (Audio Visual) media, such as (indie) films, includes techniques, functions and concepts for organizing electronic drama as well as the dramatic aspects it creates, such as choosing themes, characters and imaginative settings based on plays/drama scripts and Learning and Study regarding the use of drama in television media, such as television dramas, indie films, television advertising and soap operas including techniques, functions and concepts for organizing television dramas as well as the dramatic aspects they cause, such as choosing themes, characters and settings based on the play/script drama or based on situations that arise in the context of television production, then understanding and editing techniques, as well as forms of practice in creating videos on electronic media related to the type or form of visual media (cinematic editing, motivational videos, and teasers or event promos)
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menguasai dan memahami teknik pembuatan sandiwara radio dan televisi (drama elektronik)
- Mampu menguasai penyelenggaraan drama elektronik serta aspek-aspek dramatik yang Ditimbulkannya
- Mampu mempraktekan penggunaan drama dalam media film dan radio (drama elektronik)
- Mampu mempraktekan konsep penyelenggaraan drama elektronik serta aspek-aspek dramatik yang ditimbulkannya
- Mampu mempraktekan perwatakan dan setting berdasarkan lakon/naskah drama elektroik berdasarkan situasi yang muncul dalam hubungan produksi drama elektronik.