Course Description
Utilize learning resources and ICT to support group assignments and presentations related to themes such as hobbies, daily life of Japanese culture. Have knowledge and can use various reading techniques such as Botton Up, Top Down, Mind Mipping to understand texts and discourse related to themes such as Hobbies, daily life Make decisions in determining the reading techniques to be used such as Botton Up, Top Down, and mind mapping. Have a responsible attitude by applying reading techniques that have been mastered in finding important information in texts and discourse related to the theme.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu mengelaborasi aspek-aspek sosiolinguistik sesuai makna, nuansa, dan implikasi sosial yang terkandung dalam teks bahasa Jepang level menengah dalam aktifitas PBM yang aktif, kreatif, dan kolaboratif."
- Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep dasar keilmuan kebahasaan berupa aspek-aspek sosiolinguistik dalam teks bahasa Jepang level menengah, dalam aktifitas PBM yang kolaboratif.”
- Mahasiswa mampu mengkaji konsep dasar masyarakat dan budaya Jepang dengan aspek-aspek sosiolinguistik dalam teks bahasa Jepang level menengah, dalam aktifitas PBM yang kolaboratif.