Course Description
Discussion topics include: (1) the meaning and scope of applied linguistics, (2) the application of theory and the findings of applied linguistics studies to language teaching, both in first and second language teaching, and (3) recognizing the relationship between applied linguistics with interdisciplinary linguistics. Along with growing understanding of the concepts and basics of applied linguistics and their relationship to language teaching, students also practice implementing analyzing scientific work using the theories they have studied in the form of scientific writing. Learning is carried out through discussions, questions and answers, and presentations. At the end of the lecture, students can master the concepts and basics of applied linguistics, as well as their relationship to language teaching, as well as recognize the relationship between applied linguistics and interdisciplinary linguistics, and students can apply the knowledge they have gained as alternative options for final research (thesis).
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memanfaatkan ipteks sebagai alat bantu penyelesaian masalah kebahasaan melalui pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap ilmu kebahasaan
- Menguasai hakikat bahasa, fungsi bahasa, dasar-dasar fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, semantik, dan wacana guna menghasilkan berbagai tulisan ilmiah di bidang kebahasaan untuk dipresentasikan dalam diskusi kelas dan kegiatan ilmiah jurusan
- Mengambil keputusan strategis dengan memanfaatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap ilmu kebahasaan dalam melihat fenomena kebahasaan
- Bertanggung jawab dan menunjukkan kepemilikan karakter iman, cerdas, mandiri, jujur, peduli, dan tangguh dalam penyelesaian tugas, kuis, dan tes yang terkait dengan ilmu bahasa Indonesia dan penerapannya