Course Description
The Theory and Practice of Educational Supervision course integrates theory with the practical application of educational supervision through interactive teaching methods, critical discussions, field research, and development projects. This course aims to make students proficient in abstracting theoretical concepts and innovating in the application of approaches, techniques, models and development of educational supervision through comprehensive literature and research studies. Therefore, this course is designed to deepen knowledge of educational supervision through a comprehensive literature review containing the dimensions and scope of educational supervision. Apart from that, this course equips students to apply practical skills in professional educational supervision through group simulations. This course requires active student involvement in analyzing the phenomenon of implementing educational supervision and information technology-based innovation developed through projects in the form of individual preliminary studies. This lecture is carried out using a project-based learning, cooperative learning and self-directed learning approach. This project is expected to produce research gaps, both theoretical gaps and practical gaps regarding the dynamics and development of digital-based educational supervision innovations. The output of this course is in the form of book chapters and research designs/proposals on innovation and educational supervision practices which are presented in seminars.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa menguasai konsep supervisi pendidikan secara teoritis mencakup ruang lingkup dan dimensinya secara komprehensif
- Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan keterampilan praktis supervisi pendidikan dengan berbagai model dan pendekatan secara profesional
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis fenomena dan permasalahan supervisi pendidikan melalui pendekatan inter, multi, atau transdisipliner
- Mahasiswa mampu merancang karya inovatif dan teruji dalam ruang lingkup supervisi pendidikan sebagai alternatif pemecahan masalah supervisi pendidikan melalui pendekatan inter, multi, atau transdisipliner