Course Description
This course provides an understanding of the basic concepts of Non-Formal Education, history, thoughts on PNF and informal figures, principles, characteristics of PNF, the relationship between PNF and the national education system so that people like to learn through explanations, discussions and presentations. In this course, non-formal education is discussed as education that is carried out regularly, consciously, but not too strictly following fixed rules¸ as in formal education at school. Because non-formal education is generally carried out not in the physical school environment, non-formal education is identified with out-of-school education. Therefore, non-formal education is carried out outside of school, so the main targets are members of the community. For this reason, non-formal education programs must be created in such a way that they are flexible but straightforward, but still attract the interest of education consumers. An indicator of the success of this course is if students are able to implement theory into Non-Formal Education practice.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menguasai konsep Pendidikan Nonformal sebagai dasar pengembangan kurikulum.
- Memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreatif, inovatif, analitis, memiliki etos kerja yang tinggi, bekerja sama, membangun relasi dan berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam bidang Pendidikan Nonformal.
- Menguasai teori, konsep, prinsip-prinsip analisis kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai orang dewasa, serta menguasai teknologi informasi dalam melaksanakan program Pendidikan Nonformal
- Mampu merumuskan ide-ide inovatif dan kreatif dalam rangka mengembangkan program Pendidikan Nonformal