Course Description
This course discusses the conceptual study of non-formal education learning models which includes understanding, characteristics, syntax and steps in implementing them. Apart from that, skills are needed in compiling reports on study results and also developing non-formal education learning models. With the existence of various kinds of non-formal education institutions, it is necessary to test existing learning models, then it is hoped that new learning models will be discovered to further enrich the variety of non-formal education learning. The teaching materials presented are approaches and types of non-formal learning development, methods and models for collecting and analyzing program assessment data, developing prototypes of non-formal program models, developing prototypes of non-formal program models, compiling reports on assessment results and developing non-formal learning models. assessment and development of non-formal learning models. To guide lecture activities, learning methods are used in the form of discussions, mini practicums, questions and answers, and presentations. answers, and presentation. This course also provides an understanding of the history and concept of community education, the aims and content of community education, the nature of community education in the national education system, areas of community education, as well as SPEM and 10 benchmarks for community education through explanations, discussions and presentations.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu mengambil keputusan secara tepat dalam konteks penyelesaian masalah melalui pengembangan keilmuan pendidikan nonformal berdasarkan hasil analisis informasi dan data
- Menguasai teori, konsep, prinsip analisis kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai orang dewasa, serta menguasai teknologi informasi dalam pelaksanaan program pendidikan nonformal
- Mampu menyusun gagasan yang inovatif dan kreatif dalam rangka mengembangkan program pendidikan nonformal
- Mampu mengelola program Pendidikan Nonformal yang berlandaskan pada ketakwaan, kemandirian, dan social entrepreneurship