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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Thesis - 2019A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 19010714053 AHMAD HIDAYATULLOH 2019
2. 19010714076 AVITA DWI FEBRIANTI 2019
3. 19010714085 Bashirotin Linayli Murodati 2019
4. 20010714030 RISMA FITRIANINGRUM 2020
5. 20010714038 SALSA FATAYATUL INAYAH 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 20010714061 KHARISMA ZULIATIN NISAK 2020
7. 20010714081 Dyah IKa Puspitasari 2020
8. 20010714083 Putri Aprelina 2020
9. 20010714089 Agustina putri 2020