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Class Participants in Mathematics Seminar - 2020A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20030214001 DAVINA ALMA ARDELIA FITRI 2020
2. 20030214002 AN NISA SALSABILA 2020
3. 20030214003 MIFTA KHARISMA DEWI 2020
4. 20030214010 MUTIA EVA MUSTAFIDAH 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 20030214020 ASTIKA EKA KIRANA 2020
6. 20030214021 RAIHAN PUSPITA AJI 2020
7. 20030214027 Sita Rahajeng 2020
8. 20030214053 Mohammad Dian Purnama 2020