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Class Participants in Thesis - 2020A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20070845003 ALMIRA ANNORA DEWANTI 2020
2. 20070845004 OCTHAN SETYAWAN 2020
3. 20070845005 JIHAN SYAFIRA RUSTANTO 2020
4. 20070845007 Rr. PRAMITA SURYA HASANAH 2020
5. 20070845010 FARADLILAH SHOHIFAH, S.PD 2020
6. 20070845011 ISMIATININGSIH 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 20070845012 DINA AULIA 2020
8. 20070845014 ANI SOESANTI 2020
9. 20070845017 GUNTUR JOKO PRASETYO 2020
10. 20070845019 YUNI HARTATIK 2020
11. 20070845021 IRFANA NURUL LAILI 2020
12. 20070845023 YENNY ARGHANTY S. 2020