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Class Participants in Handball Sports - 2021A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 21060484007 ANTON ADI SANJAYA 2021
2. 21060484015 ALVITO DANDY PUTRA SANJAYA 2021
3. 21060484028 FAHIMA SOVIA 2021
4. 21060484046 IMANUEL DWI ANJAYA 2021
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 21060484050 AKMAL ABDILLAH AL HAQ 2021
6. 21060484062 BAYU YUDHA PRASETYO 2021
7. 21060484118 MOHAMMAD SUDA HILMI 2021
8. 21060484139 KHALIMATUS SA'ADAH 2021