
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Micro Learning - 2020J

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20030174069 Wuri Indah Murwaningsih 2020
2. 20030174070 OKTAVIA WAHYU SUGANDI 2020
3. 20030174071 Aniskurnia Rahmadhani Fajerin 2020
4. 20030174072 ARFAN DWI YANTO 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 20030174073 Kayla manoppo 2020
6. 20030174074 Wulan Puspitasari 2020
7. 20030174075 TASYA PUSPITA NOERISAHAK 2020
8. 20030174076 Faizal Bachrudin 2020