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Komunikasi Pembelajaran
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Class Participants in Book and Comic Illustrations - 2020D

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17021264055 SAFIR AL HAQ 2017
2. 18021264007 AULIFIA ALFINIA FAHRUDIN 2018
3. 18021264008 DHI'FAN RIZQIN ANUGRAH 2018
4. 18021264036 MUTIA NUR FADLILAH 2018
5. 18021264071 MAHARANI SYAHDILLA PUTRI W 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 18021264073 CALVIEN BRAMANTYA 2018
7. 18021264075 NUR AZIZAH SHINTA DEWI 2018
8. 18021264080 DEVA PERMATA VIANZHA 2018
9. 18021264084 AFRIZAL NAUVAL SHOFI 2018
10. 18021264112 SELAMET SIDIQ PAMUNGKAS 2018