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( 16 Sections)
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( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Sociology of Sport - 2020C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 20070805030 BOBBY ADE SETIAWAN 2020
2. 20070805032 DESY HARIYANTO 2020
3. 20070805033 AGUNG PURWANTORO 2020
4. 20070805034 LILIK MARYATI 2020
5. 20070805035 AFIT SUMARLIAN 2020
6. 20070805036 MULYANI 2020
7. 20070805037 BAMBANG HARYONO 2020
8. 20070805038 RUDI HARYADI 2020
No StudentID Student Name Class of
9. 20070805039 ANDRIA RIDHA KURNIAWAN 2020
10. 20070805040 TRI JUNIANTO 2020
11. 20070805041 TRISETYO BOWO LAKSONO 2020
12. 20070805042 YUDDY PRAMUDYANTO 2020
13. 20070805043 AMIN MULYANTO 2020
14. 20070805044 DADIT DARYANTO 2020
15. 20070805045 DURISTA YOGA ARDY NUR PRATAMA 2020
16. 20070805046 AHMAD FARID MUSTAFA 2020