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Class Participants in Metal Crafts I - 2018D

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 18020124012 DRINA VILARUKA 2018
2. 18020124016 BAGUS ARMA APRILIYANTO 2018
3. 18020124032 SITI NUR MUFIDAH 2018
4. 18020124033 DANI GARSIA 2018
5. 18020124034 AS'AD SYA'RONI 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 18020124037 SUYATNO 2018
7. 18020124042 DEVI ANGGRAINI 2018
8. 18020124044 NABILAH RAMADHANI 2018
9. 18020124045 ELMA DAMAYANTI 2018
10. 18020124057 NUR HIDAYAH LAILATUS SA'ADAH 2018