
Our Top Course
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Assessment of Attitudes - 2018B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 18040254062 HILDA RIZMA MAULIDYAH 2018
2. 18040254064 FAHMI ALI MUJIB 2018
3. 18040254067 YOGA PRASETYA 2018
4. 18040254068 YONA FIHARTA 2018
5. 18040254069 MEILINDA ANTIKA PUTRI 2018
6. 18040254083 TANGGUH ARWINANTON 2018
7. 18040254087 NAHDLIYATUL ISLAMIYAH 2018
8. 18040254090 KHOIRUR ROJIKHIN 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
9. 18040254091 DEVINA SAFIRA PRASTOWO 2018
10. 18040254093 LUCKY SHA'AS HADIPUTRI 2018
11. 18040254096 DINDA MEILENIA 2018
12. 18040254100 LAILATIN ROHMATUN NISA 2018
13. 18040254102 SYAFIRA MELINDA ROSA 2018
14. 18040254103 MUHAMMAD ALI 2018
15. 18040254120 RATNA ISNAINIATIN 2018