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Class Participants in Computer Applications in Electronics - 2018B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 18050874002 FIQIH YERDIAN ALAMSYAH 2018
2. 18050874011 DIMAS SURYA PRATAMA 2018
3. 18050874016 RYO CHANDRA ALDI WIBAWA 2018
4. 18050874027 STEFANUS ADHIE NUGROHO 2018
5. 18050874033 AHMAD ABIMANYU 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 18050874035 ADE PUTRI RAHMADIANTI 2018
7. 18050874036 ANJA ALFA BEET 2018
8. 18050874037 M. DANIAL FATHUR RAHMAN 2018
9. 18050874066 ANDIKA DWI WIBOWO 2018