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Class Participants in Open Dissertation - 2015A

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 157996002 HARIANTO 2015
2. 157996006 DWI LESTARININGSIH 2015
3. 157996007 TOTO BASUKI 2015
4. 157996008 KUSTORI 2015
5. 157996011 MARGONO 2015
6. 157996013 MOCH. RIFA'I 2015
7. 157996017 SETIYO 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
8. 157996018 SUDRAJAT 2015
9. 157996020 SLAMET HARIYADI 2015
10. 157996022 TEPATI HAK KEWAJIBAN 2015
11. 157996023 AGUS BUDIMAN 2015
12. 157996024 ALIM SUMARNO 2015
13. 157996026 AGUS DWI SANTOSO 2015