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( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Class Participants in Motorcycle and Small Motorbike - 2017C

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 17050524006 ANA KRISTINA 2017
2. 17050524010 SINTA PUTRI ANISA 2017
3. 17050524022 AWALIA OKTAVIANI 2017
4. 17050524040 IRENTA TEGUH WAHYU WIDODO 2017
5. 17050524047 AMALIA FORMA ALFIANTI 2017
6. 17050524067 ANNAS WALUYO JATI 2017
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 17050524070 Andriyanti Achsan 2017
8. 17050524074 NURUZ ZAMAN 2017
9. 17050524077 PANGGIT SASMITO AJI 2017
10. 17050524079 WILDANY ERTARAGIL ABADI 2017
11. 17050524081 VIKI DWI ENDRAHADI 2017
12. 17050524084 ANGGITA MAYANG SARI 2017