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Class Participants in Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - 2015B

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15030214006 INTAN AYU DWI BINTARI 2015
2. 15030214011 DAYANG PUTRI NUR LYRAWATI 2015
3. 15030214017 SITI SAADAH 2015
4. 15030214018 RETNO EKAWATI NINGRUM 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 15030214021 MIA NOVI ASTINA 2015
6. 15030214025 ANNISA' HILMI MASRUROH 2015
7. 15030214027 ANNISA MIFTAHUL AFIDA 2015
8. 15030214029 IVAN KURNIA LAKSONO 2015