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Class Participants in Optical Communication Systems - 2015D

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15030224001 NUR HALIZAH 2015
2. 15030224008 ALFI NUR ALBAB 2015
3. 15030224009 BERTIN BINTORO PUTRI 2015
4. 15030224012 AL BIKHAR ISLAM SAKTI 2015
5. 15030224013 RIZQI RINDRA FIRMANSYAH 2015
6. 15030224015 IRMA SAFITRI YANUARSI 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
7. 15030224019 NUR ALISSA ANWAR 2015
8. 15030224020 MUHAMMAD NURUL FAHMI 2015
9. 15030224023 NINIK SETIYAWATI 2015
10. 15030224033 MUHAMAD ARMANSYAH 2015
11. 15030224037 ISMAIL HASAN 2015