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Class Participants in Piano Instruments Compulsory Basic Wind - 2018G

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 18021254004. NOVITASARI 2018
2. 18021254008. MOHAMMAD SYAIFUR RAHMAN 2018
3. 18021254011 RIKI DUWI NOVANTO 2018
4. 18021254012 NATASHA ELLENA LORENZA 2018
5. 18021254013. NABILLA CITRA RAFIDAYANTI 2018
No StudentID Student Name Class of
6. 18021254025. KENFURI SONIA OKTAVIANI 2018
7. 18021254027. ABDURROHMAN NAFIS 2018
8. 18021254036 MOCHAMMAD NABILLA AL FATAH 2018
9. 18021254061 JOSHUA LUKMAN CHANDRA 2018