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Class Participants in Pests and Plant Diseases - 2015U

No StudentID Student Name Class of
1. 15030204002 VALENTINA WAHYUNINGSIH 2015
2. 15030204006 RINALDIYANTI RUKMANA 2015
3. 15030204029 NANDA INTAN RESTU WARDHANI 2015
4. 15030204042 SUCI SEPTIANA 2015
No StudentID Student Name Class of
5. 15030204051 BIL BILA ADE LAILA 2015
6. 15030204059 RISKY ANANTA PUTRI 2015
7. 15030204068 AGHNIYAH MAWADDAH MAHAR A.S 2015
8. 15030204086 RISA AKBAR FITRIA 2015