
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S1 Sosiologi UNESA
Semester: 2013/2014 Gasal


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Sociology Of Disabled Children With Special Needs
Senin 07:00 Indonesian
Senin 07:00 Theory Critical Theory
Senin 07:00 Sociological Research Methods Qualitative
Senin 08:40 Indonesian
Senin 08:40 Sociology Early Childhood
Senin 09:30 Rural
Senin 09:30 Sociology Tourism Sociology
Senin 10:20 Studies On Religious Education And Islamic Boarding Schools
Senin 13:40 Tpi And Tpii
Senin 13:40 Rural
Senin 13:40 Sociological Research Methods Qualitative
Senin 13:40 Sociology Adult Education
Senin 14:30 Tpi And Tpii
Senin 15:20 Theory Critical Theory
Senin 16:10 Socio-Political Power And Religion
Senin 16:10 Sociolinguistics
Senin Pengantar Antropologi
Senin Pengantar Antropologi
Selasa 07:00 Applied Social Statistics
Selasa 07:00 Development Sociology
Selasa 07:00 Religion And Health Studies
Selasa 07:00 Introduction To Sociology
Selasa 09:30 Basic Natural Sciences
Selasa 09:30 Industrial Psychology
Selasa 09:30 Development Sociology
Selasa 10:20 Multicultural Education
Selasa 11:10 Basic Natural Sciences
Selasa 11:10 Applied Social Statistics
Selasa 13:40 Poverty Problems
Selasa 13:40 Introduction To Political Science
Selasa 13:40 Sociology Corruption
Selasa 14:30 Sociology Of Literature
Selasa 15:20 Development Studies Health
Selasa 15:20 Introduction To Political Science
Selasa 16:10 Poverty Problems
Selasa Introduction To Sociology
Rabu 07:00 Pengantar Psikologi Sosial
Rabu 07:00 Social Stratification And Inequality
Rabu 07:00 Sociology Of Religion
Rabu 07:00 Development Seminar
Rabu 09:30 Development Seminar
Rabu 09:30 Social Stratification And Inequality
Rabu 09:30 Pengantar Psikologi Sosial
Rabu 09:30 Sosiologi Politik
Rabu 13:40 English Ii
Rabu 13:40 Social Capital And Civil S
Rabu 13:40 Thesis
Rabu 13:40 Sosiologi Politik
Rabu 14:30 Social Capital And Civil S
Rabu 14:30 English Ii
Rabu 14:30 Kebijakan Publik
Rabu 16:10 National And Global Economic Relations
Rabu Sosiologi Hukum
Kamis 07:00 National And Global Economic Relations
Kamis 07:00 Pancasila Education
Kamis 07:00 Indonesian Economic System
Kamis 07:00 Sociology Of Disasters
Kamis 08:40 Urbanization In The Third World
Kamis 08:40 Analysis Of Environmental Impact
Kamis 08:40 Theory Classical Sociology Theory
Kamis 09:30 Theory Economic Theory
Kamis 11:10 Gender Studies Human Rights And Industry
Kamis 13:40 Study Of Labor Law
Kamis 13:40 Pancasila Education
Kamis 13:40 Study Of National Education Systems
Kamis 13:40 Neg Markets And Social Policy
Kamis 15:20 Psychology Advanced
Kamis Theory Classical Sociology Theory
Jumat 07:00 Sociology Of Crime
Jumat 07:00 Sports Management Recreation
Jumat 07:00 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Jumat 08:40 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Jumat 08:40 Government Studies Recreation And Or
Jumat 08:40 Field Work Practices
Jumat 13:40 Introduction To Sociological Research Methods
Jumat 13:40 Curriculum Studies
Jumat 14:30 Cross-Cultural Studies
Jumat 14:30 Introduction To Sociological Research Methods
Jumat 15:20 Theory 2 Education And Learning
Jumat 15:20 Field Work Practices
Jumat Philosophy Of Science
Jumat Philosophy Of Science
Management Social Research Design
Hindu Religious Education
Bureaucracy Politics
Catholic Religious Education
Indonesian Economic Policy Study
Protestant Religious Education
Small Industry And Equal Development Studies
Sociology Of Religion
Buddhist Education