
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin UNESA
Semester: 2013/2014 Gasal


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 Teaching Planning Mechanical Engineering
Senin 07:00 Kimia Teknik
Senin 07:00 Mathematics Engineering
Senin 07:00 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Senin 07:00 Welding Practices
Senin 07:00 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Senin 08:40 Cad
Senin 08:40 Mathematics Engineering
Senin 09:30 Heat Transfer
Senin 10:20 Teaching Planning Mechanical Engineering
Senin 10:20 Engineering Designing
Senin 10:20 Cad
Senin 10:20 Engineering Designing
Senin 13:40 Aircraft Work
Senin 13:40 Computer Programming
Senin 13:40 Labor Knowledge
Senin 13:40 Heat Transfer
Senin 13:40 Engineering Designing
Senin 13:40 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Senin 13:40 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Senin 13:40 Welding Practices
Senin 13:40 Machining Practices
Senin 14:30 Engineering Designing
Senin 14:30 Engineering Designing
Senin 15:20 Engineering Designing
Selasa 07:00 Indonesian
Selasa 07:00 Automotive Machine Elements
Selasa 07:00 Engineering Physics I
Selasa 07:00 Fluid Mechanics Basic
Selasa 07:00 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Selasa 07:00 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Selasa 07:00 Machining Practices
Selasa 07:00 Welding Practices
Selasa 08:40 Cad
Selasa 08:40 Basic Drawing
Selasa 08:40 Engineering Physics I
Selasa 08:40 Machine Elements Production
Selasa 10:20 Indonesian
Selasa 10:20 Automotive Electricity
Selasa 10:20 Teaching Planning Mechanical Engineering
Selasa 10:20 Mechanical Technology And Environmental Pollution
Selasa 10:20 Computer Programming
Selasa 13:40 Indonesian
Selasa 13:40 Computer Programming
Selasa 13:40 Heat Transfer
Selasa 13:40 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Selasa 13:40 Welding Practices
Selasa 13:40 Machining Practices
Selasa 13:40 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Selasa 14:30 Industrial Metrology
Selasa 15:20 Menggambar Mesin
Rabu 07:00 Mathematics Engineering
Rabu 07:00 Industrial Metrology
Rabu 07:00 Gasoline Motor Technology
Rabu 07:00 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Rabu 07:00 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Rabu 07:00 Machining Practices
Rabu 08:40 Cad
Rabu 08:40 Systems Materials Science Ii
Rabu 08:40 English I
Rabu 08:40 Research Methodology
Rabu 10:20 Automotive Electricity
Rabu 10:20 Research Methodology
Rabu 10:20 Cad
Rabu 10:20 Systems Materials Science Ii
Rabu 10:20 English I
Rabu 13:40 Evaluation Teaching Mechanical Engineering
Rabu 13:40 Computer Programming
Rabu 13:40 Labor Knowledge
Rabu 13:40 Fluid Mechanics Basic
Rabu 13:40 Car Air Conditioning Practice
Rabu 13:40 Practical Gasoline Motor Technology
Rabu 13:40 Welding Practices
Rabu 14:30 Menggambar Mesin
Rabu 15:20 Engineering Mechanics Ii
Kamis 07:00 Engineering Mechanics Ii
Kamis 07:00 Pancasila Education
Kamis 07:00 Ilmu Budaya Dasar Ibd
Kamis 07:00 Aircraft Work
Kamis 07:00 Mathematics I
Kamis 08:40 Aircraft Work
Kamis 08:40 Pancasila Education
Kamis 08:40 Evaluation Teaching Mechanical Engineering
Kamis 08:40 Mathematics I
Kamis 08:40 Ilmu Budaya Dasar Ibd
Kamis 09:30 Engineering Designing
Kamis 10:20 Engineering Mechanics Ii
Kamis 10:20 Kimia Teknik
Kamis 10:20 Ilmu Budaya Dasar Ibd
Kamis 10:20 Evaluation Teaching Mechanical Engineering
Kamis 10:20 Cad
Kamis 10:20 Coating Techniques
Kamis 13:40 Cad
Kamis 13:40 Combustion And Fuel Technology
Kamis 13:40 Fluid Mechanics Basic
Kamis 13:40 Machining Practices
Kamis 14:30 Combustion And Fuel Technology
Kamis 14:30 Thermodynamics Automotive
Kamis 14:30 Basic Drawing
Kamis 14:30 Automotive Machine Elements
Kamis 16:10 Thermodynamics Automotive
Kamis 16:10 Engineering Designing
Jumat 07:00 Chassis Technology
Jumat 07:00 Evaluation Teaching Mechanical Engineering
Jumat 07:00 Educational Profession Ii
Jumat 07:00 Aircraft Work
Jumat 09:30 Coating Techniques
Jumat 09:30 Machine Elements Production
Jumat 09:30 Educational Profession Ii
Jumat 09:30 Chassis Technology
Jumat 13:40 Research Methodology
Jumat 13:40 Educational Profession Ii
Jumat 13:40 Mechanical Technology And Environmental Pollution
Jumat 13:40 Gasoline Motor Technology
Jumat 14:30 Research Methodology
Jumat 14:30 Educational Profession Ii
Jumat 14:30 Painting Technology
Jumat 16:10 Painting Technology
Work Practice Basic
Ilmu Budaya Dasar Ibd
Work Practice Basic
Ppl Ii
Knowledge Measuring Tools
Ppl Ii