
Our Top Course
Komunikasi Pembelajaran
( 16 Sections)
Pengembangan Media Foto
( 16 Sections)

Course Schedule
S1 Pendidikan Sains UNESA
Semester: 2012/2013 Genap


Kelas Reguler

Hari Jam Mata Kuliah
Senin 07:00 English Ii
Senin 07:00 Science Environment Technology And Society
Senin 07:00 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 07:00 Solutions
Senin 08:40 English Ii
Senin 09:30 Solutions
Senin 09:30 Science Environment Technology And Society
Senin 10:20 Pendidikan Agama Islam
Senin 13:40 Waves And Optics
Senin 13:40 Ilmu Pengetahuan Lingkungan
Senin 13:40 Waves And Optics
Selasa 07:00 Mathematics Science
Selasa 07:00 Metabolism And Its Control
Selasa 07:00 Innovative Learning Ii
Selasa 08:40 Citizenship
Selasa 09:30 Seminar
Selasa 09:30 Seminar
Selasa 10:20 Metabolism And Its Control
Selasa 10:20 Mathematics Science
Selasa 13:40 Citizenship
Selasa 13:40 Innovative Learning Ii
Rabu 07:00 Foundations Of Education
Rabu 07:00 Kimia Bahan Pangan
Rabu 07:00 Substances And Energy
Rabu 07:00 Science School
Rabu 09:30 Kimia Bahan Pangan
Rabu 09:30 Science School
Rabu 09:30 Foundations Of Education
Rabu 09:30 Substances And Energy
Rabu 13:40 Bioteknologi
Rabu 14:30 Bioteknologi
Kamis 07:00 Teori Belajar
Kamis 07:00 Ilmu Pengetahuan Lingkungan
Kamis 07:00 Diversity Of Living Things
Kamis 08:40 Amdal
Kamis 09:30 Fluid Optics
Kamis 09:30 Diversity Of Living Things
Kamis 09:30 Teori Belajar
Kamis 10:20 Epidemiology
Kamis 13:40 Epidemiology
Kamis 13:40 Fluid Optics
Kamis 15:20 And Technology Development
Kamis 15:20 And Technology Development
Jumat 08:40 Computer Basics
Jumat 08:40 Ppl I
Jumat 08:40 Ppl I
Jumat 08:40 Instructional Media
Jumat 10:20 Protestant Religious Education
Jumat 13:40 Computer Basics
Jumat 14:30 Instructional Media
Jumat 15:20 Thesis
Jumat 15:20 Thesis
Jumat 15:20 Thesis
Jumat 15:20 Thesis
Jumat 15:20 Thesis
Jumat 16:10 Thesis