This course examines the basics of vibrations, waves, light, optical devices and their application in everyday life. Presented in the form of theory and practice.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
PLO-5 Demonstrate scientific, critical, and innovative attitudes in integrated science learning, laboratory activities, and professional-related tasks
PLO-11 Design and conduct research about learning of integrated science, and acquire, analyze, and interpret the research data
PLO-13 Demonstrate knowledge of integrated science (physics, chemistry, and biology)
Program Objectives (PO)
PO-1 Mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab, mendemontrasikan sikap ilmiah, kritis dan inovatif secara mandiri selama proses perkuliahan
PO-2 Mampu menguasai konsep subtantif dasar getaran, gelombang, cahaya, alat optik serta penerapannya untuk memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
PO-3 Mampu menunjukan kinerja mandiri , bermutu, dan terukur serta mengambil keputusan secara tepat dan bisa bekerja secara individu maupun dalam tim