Transmitting/receiving antenna system which includes the type of antenna and antenna elements (radiator/driven element, parasitic elements), antenna power input from the transmission line, methods and techniques for supplying power from the transmission line to the antenna and vice versa (Feeding method), impedance matching between channels transmission and antenna, polarization of vertical waves (Radio Communication) and Horizontal Waves (Radio Bradcasting), antenna parameters (Physical Lenght, electrical length, directivity, pollar pattern, Gain and VSWR), calculations and measurement methods. Meanwhile, wave propagation includes the characteristics of radio waves, the influence of the sun on the propagation of radio waves, the phenomenon of solar radiation, solar flux, sunsport, types of radio wave propagation and atmospheric layers (ionosphere and troposphere), characteristics of radio wave propagation (absorption, virtual height, effect of Eart‘s magnetic Field, Radiation Angle, Skip Distance, Fading), Radio Wave Propagation in Frequency Bands VLF, LF, MF, HF (Ground Wave & Sky Wave), and VHF, UHF, SHF, EHF (line of sight, F2 layer Reflection , Sporadic-E Skip, Aurora Effect, Tropospheric Bending, Scatter Modes), Analysis and calculation of Power Loss as a function of distance (Path Loss) between Transmitter and Receiver, Planning Analysis and calculation of Minimum Signal Reception Levels in Rdio Communication Systems and Radio Systems Broadcast.