SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN (RPS) Faculty: FMIPA Unesa Study Program: Chemistry Course Name / Weight: Instrument Analysis Practicum / 1 Course Code: Prerequisite Course: Have taken Analytical Chemistry IV and V Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Titik Taufikurohmah, M. Si Dr. Pirim Setiarso, M. Si Dr. Nita Kusumawati, M. Sc Description: Study of chemical analysis qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of chemical structure, energetics and analysis based on the working principles of several Chromatography and Electrochemistry Spectrophotometer instruments accompanied by supporting laboratory activities so that students are able to master related concepts, are skilled in using tools, able to work together and communicate their knowledge and skills scientifically. Reference: Ewing G. W, 1981, Instrumental Methods Of Chemical Analysis, International Student Edition, Tokyo: McGraw-Hill Kogakusha Ltd Harvey,D. 2000. Modern Analytical Chemistry. Int. Ed. Singapore: Mc. Graw Hill