Providing provisions for the formation of students‘ complete personality (kaffah) by making Islamic teachings the basis for thinking, acting and behaving in their scientific and
The Digital Literacy course is a general compulsory course (MKWU) for all Surabaya State University students which is presented in the first year of study.
The Digital Literacy course is a general compulsory course (MKWU) for all Surabaya State University students which is presented in the first year of study.
Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman terhadap teori dasar statistik dan jenis-jenis data, penyajian dan analisis data dalam menunjang penyusunan tugas akhir baik dengan statistik deskriptif
Basic assumptions for calculating reinforced concrete, load and loading factors, analysis and methods for designing rectangular sections in terms of ultimate strength. Calculation of cantilever
Basic assumptions for calculating reinforced concrete, load and loading factors, analysis and methods for designing rectangular sections in terms of ultimate strength. Calculation of cantilever