Mata Kuliah Statistik Dasar memperkenalkan mahasiswa pada konsep-konsep fundamental dalam statistik yang penting untuk penelitian dan pengambilan keputusan. Mata kuliah ini mencakup definisi, fungsi, dan
This course discusses the meaning, scope and contribution of educational psychology, student development, learning theories, personality aspects that influence learning, learning difficulties, counseling guidance in
This course discusses the meaning, scope and contribution of educational psychology, student development, learning theories, personality aspects that influence learning, learning difficulties, counseling guidance in
Mata Kuliah Statistik Dasar memperkenalkan mahasiswa pada konsep-konsep fundamental dalam statistik yang penting untuk penelitian dan pengambilan keputusan. Mata kuliah ini mencakup definisi, fungsi, dan
This course examines the nature of philosophy and educational philosophy for early childhood learning, the concepts of ontology, epistemology and axiology in education, the implementation
This course examines the nature of philosophy and educational philosophy for early childhood learning, the concepts of ontology, epistemology and axiology in education, the implementation