This course discusses the study of basic physics concepts and their application in mechanical engineering, including quantities, systems of units, Newton‘s law, mechanical waves, impulse
This course provides students with experience in understanding the concepts, theory and application of metrology, measurement principles, calibration techniques, and the use of measuring instruments
This course provides students with experience in understanding the concepts, theory and application of metrology, measurement principles, calibration techniques, and the use of measuring instruments
Mata kuliah Kimia Dasar merupakan Mata kuliah Keilmuan dan Ketrampilan (MKK) membahas tentang materi (Atom, molekul dan ion; Ikatan kimia; Reaksi kimia; dan Energi) serta
Mata kuliah Kimia Dasar merupakan Mata kuliah Keilmuan dan Ketrampilan (MKK) membahas tentang materi (Atom, molekul dan ion; Ikatan kimia; Reaksi kimia; dan Energi) serta
This course discusses the study of basic physics concepts and their application in mechanical engineering, including quantities, systems of units, Newton‘s law, mechanical waves, impulse