Course Description
This course discusses the central banking system, monetary policy (teamwork skills), and the financial system. It also provides an analysis of positive and prescriptive case studies relating to central banking, as well as a knowledge and explanation of the central banking system and central banking itself. Understand and describe the monetary policy framework. Understand and explain exchange rate controls and international capital movements. Understand and describe the financial system and macroprudential policies. Understand and describe the link between financial stability and the financial system. Understand and describe Indonesia‘s payment and money distribution system. Understand and describe the payment system in Indonesia. Understand and explain Sharia economics.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami kelembagaan bank sentral dan berbagai kebijakan dari bank sentral
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan menjelaskan nilai tukar, sistem keuangan, dan stabilitas sistem keuangan
- Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis dan menjelaskan sistem pembayaran, keuangan syariah, serta koordinasi dan bauran kebijakan