Course Description
This course discusses how to understand the economic empowerment of the people in Islamic economics and analyzes the use of resources in the economic empowerment of the people. The scope of this course includes poverty in Islam, theories of economic empowerment of the people, economic empowerment of the people in Islam, overcoming poverty and inequality in Islamic economics, government intervention in economic empowerment of the people, development planning in economic empowerment of the people, economic empowerment of the people as a process resource utilization, community participation in empowering the people‘s economy, the function of sharia financial institutions in empowering the people‘s economy, the role of BMT in empowering the people‘s economy, the urgency of Ziswa in empowering the people‘s economy, the existence of MSMEs in empowering the people‘s economy, technology and information in empowering the people‘s economy.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan secara mandiri dan kelompok
- Mampu memahami pemberdayaan ekonomi umat
- Mampu menganalisis intervensi pemerintah dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat
- Mampu memahami pemberdayaan ekonomi umat sebagai proses pemanfaatan sumber daya
- Mampu menganalisis fungsi lembaga keuangan syariah dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat
- Mampu mamahami eksistensi UMKM dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat
- Mampu menganalisis peran teknologi dan informasi dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi umat