Course Description
This course discusses the meaning of descriptive statistics; Data and the process of collecting it; Central symptom measurement; measurement of location symptoms; dispersion measurement; The degree of slope and degree of sharpness of the curve; Presentation of data in tabular and graphical form; Values Summaries of numeric data Present categorical data in graphs and tables; index number; trend analysis. Lectures are carried out using a collaborative approach (lectures, discussions and individual and group assignments).
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu menguasai konsep dasar statistik penelitian secara mendalam serta memformulasikannya dalam penyelesaian masalah secara prosedural
- Mahasiswa mampu bertanggungjawab dalam menginformasikan hasil analisis informasi dan data baik secara lisan dan tulisan melalui pemaparan tugas individu atau hasil kerja kelompok dalam ruang lingkup statistik