Course Description
This course discusses the basic concepts of macroeconomic theory including national income; consumption and savings; investment; COR and ICOR; employment opportunities, income balance for 2 sectors; income balance for 3 sectors; income balance for 4 sectors; as well as the Accelerate Leverage effect. Lectures are carried out using a system of discussions, project assignments and reflection. In this course, students learn about describing and analyzing the notion of econometrics; correlation and regression; simple linear regression; multiple linear regression; deviation of classical model assumptions; regression with dummy independent variables; and the panel regression model. Learning is done by applying a direct, cooperative, and practical approach.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu mengintegrasikan kegiatan ekonomi dan permasalahan ekonomi dengan tepat.
- Mahasiswa mampu menelaah dengan benar konsep-konsep teori ekonomi mikro.
- Mahasiswa mampu menelaah dengan benar konsep-konsep ekonomi makro.
- Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan karakter cerdas, teliti, dan tangguh dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pengantar teori ekonomi.