Course Description
This course provides an overview of the capital market, transaction mechanisms in the capital market and investment products in the capital market. Various investment options in financial assets have uncertain rates of return. An understanding of the concept of risk and return will be used to explain these decisions in managing risk. Next, it explains how analysis, assessment and management are carried out on securities and portfolios. This is intended to evaluate investment alternatives, make investment decisions, and understand securities analysis techniques which include fundamental and technical analysis. Finally, this course also provides learning about corporate risk management, which includes the framework developed by COSO. These corporate risk management principles are in line with generally accepted accounting principles which are used as a basis for auditing corporate financial statements.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menunjukkan nilai-nilai agama dan kebangsaan serta etika akademik dalam melaksanakan tugas sebagai seorang analis, manajer, dan personal.
- Mampu menganalisis dan menginterprestasi laporan keuangan dan non keuangan untuk tujuan pengambilan keputusan pada level strategis dengan dukungan teknologi informasi