Course Description
This course discusses the principles of etiology and pathogenesis of infectious diseases, immunological reactions, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases caused by viruses, infectious diseases caused by bacteria, parasites and fungi and the clinical and laboratory features of these diseases, as well as their relationship to changes in nutrient metabolism. The material in this lecture also includes an introduction to symptoms, general signs, etiology, epidemiology, medical diagnosis, medical data and therapy used in order to consider giving diet to sufferers. Learning activities in this course are carried out through learning experiences, lectures and discussions.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Memahami prinsip etiologi dan patogenesis penyakit menular, reaksi immunologi, proses inflamasi, penyakit infeksi karena virus, penyakit infeksi karena bakteri, parasit dan jamur serta gambaran klinis dan laboratorium pada penyakit tersebut, serta kaitannya dengan perubahan metabolisme zat giz
- Mampu merancang terapi gizi dengan berbagai pengetahuan patofisiologi pada penyakit menular