Course Description
This course examines basic theory, understanding, dimensions, functions, role and scope of the curriculum, foundations for curriculum development, vocational school curriculum models, the 2013 (K13) vocational school curriculum, techniques for compiling and determining local content in the 2013 vocational school curriculum ( K13) and implementing the vocational school curriculum in preparing learning plans. The lectures are implemented using an individual and classical approach in the form of lectures, questions and answers which are complemented by the use of projection media in the form of multimedia (LCD) as well as giving assignments within the scope of practice of preparing and developing a local content curriculum in the field of fashion design.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang konsep dan teori dasar kurikulum
- Mahasiswa dapat mengingat dan mampu mengkaji prinsip, landasan pendekatan serta model pengembangan kurikulum
- Mahasiswa terampil mengimplementasikan kurikulum SMK dalam menyusun modul/perencanaan pembelajaran
- Mahasiswa memiliki sikap bertanggung jawab dalam menyusun/mengkaji kurikulum SMK (tujuan, materi pelajaran, proses pembelajaran, dan evaluasi) pada bidang keahlian tata busana.