Course Description
Examining the history of the formulation and enactment of the 1945 Constitution, constitutional theory, the theory of the nature of the Constitution, the theory of constitutional values, how to amend the Constitution, and its application in the 1945 Constitution through analysis and by tracing the Constitutions used, one can find out and make basic comparisons of countries. Lectures are carried out with presentations through lectures, analysis, project assignments and group presentations as well as reflection. Comparison of Constitutions is very important for prospective Civics teachers to be able to find out comparisons of the constitutions that have been in force in Indonesia since Indonesia‘s independence until now both in terms of government systems, state institutions regulating human rights as well as knowing the differences and uniqueness of the constitutions of several countries to be able to compare constitutions including systems. the government of a country, the duties and authority of its state institutions, the regulation of human rights, the history of the constitution, and the process of amending the constitution adopted by a country.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan muatan pokok dan penting dari konsitusi, membandingkan Konsitusi RI dengan Konstitusi negara lain, serta mampu mengevaluasi Konstitusi RI baik dan memberi rekomendasi muatan konstitusi yang seharusnya diatur.
- mahasiswa mampu menganalisis terkait sejarah perumusan konstitusi RI sistem pemerintahan, bentuk negara, organ-organ negara, relasi kewenangan lembaga negara serta jaminan hak asasi manusia
- mahasiswa mampu mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan Konstitusi RI
- mahasiswa merumuskan penguatan substansi Konstitusi RI berdasarkan hasil perbandingan dengan negara lain