Course Description
Conduct studies on existing teaching materials, SK-KD, indicators that are in accordance with the material needed by students and in accordance with the demands of the curriculum in force at the school. Concept of developing teaching materials, objectives, benefits, principles of approach, development steps, types of teaching materials and understanding of validation and testing of teaching materials. The development of geography teaching materials is carried out by selecting a type of teaching material that suits the characteristics of the students, the abilities of the teacher and the demands of the curriculum. Learning is carried out by applying a constructivist approach by providing practice in developing geography teaching materials individually. Assessment is carried out in a portfolio manner through a specific assessment rubric by each student in group discussion and reflection activities.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu merancang bahan ajar berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan pembelajaran
- Mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kurikulum dan karakteristik peserta didik
- Mampu menggunakan berbagai media dan teknologi dalam pengembangan bahan ajar
- Mampu melakukan evaluasi dan penyempurnaan bahan ajar yang telah dibuat