Course Description
This course discusses the formation of the elements of the water cycle, further discussion for students to understand includes the types and factors that influence the amount of evapotranspiration, analysis and calculations of precipitation and evapotranspiration in an area. Regarding runoff or surface flow, it discusses regional diversity, river discharge calculations and factors that influence runoff. Another element, namely infiltration, is only limited to the factors that influence infiltration and the practical importance of infiltration from several aspects. Understanding groundwater includes the presence of groundwater and various types of aquifers which are related to the properties of rock layers, groundwater movement, their relationship with surface water, and seawater intrusion. Also studied is the role of hydrology in human life and the use of information technology (IT) in learning will increase understanding of the material being studied. Achievement of learning competencies by using a project based learning approach with inquiry, discussion, question and answer, assignment methods. Assessment is carried out by performance and written tests.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menganalisis siklus hidrologi dan hidroklimatologi
- Menganalisis kualitas air
- Menganalisis potamologi, hidromorfometri, dan sistem daerah aliran sungai (DAS)
- Menganalisis hidromorfologi, hidrogeologi, dan geohidrologi serta sistem cekungan air tanah (CAT)