Course Description
This course invites students to learn together about regional autonomy and the potential for developing interregional (intergovernmental) cooperation. In the initial study, students were invited to reload the concept of autonomy and decentralization based on the latest approach (UU). Next, students discuss and discuss material on the study of Inter-Regional Cooperation relations within the framework of internal autonomy and decentralization approaches. The next study is about the substance of inter-regional cooperation which includes: The concept and background of the need for KAD, KAD models and procedures, KAD institutions and KAD forms, Mechanisms for procedures for implementing KAD which are carried out with pulpit lecture strategies and discussions to analyze cases. In the final part, students are given knowledge about funding aspects and discuss examples of KAD implementation that have been carried out by several regional governments in Indonesia.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Menguasai kaidah dan prinsip prinsip reformasi administrasi dan tata kelola pemerintahan dan pelayanan publik yang baik
- Mampu menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kebijakan publik, organisasi dan manajemen publik dalam rangka penyelesaian masalah publik
- Mammpu menelaah dan menganalisis peluang dan tantangan Kerjasama Antar Daerah diera Otonomi Daerah