Course Description
Understanding and studying the nature of agricultural geography, types of agriculture in Indonesia, and various agricultural systems in Indonesia. The theory of development that underlies agricultural development, various problems of the green revolution, the development of socio-cultural characteristics of farming communities, types of critical agricultural movements. Solutions for the future of agriculture with an orientation to the local wisdom of the agricultural community, the local wisdom of the coastal community.
Program Objectives (PO)
- Mampu menganalisis hubungan antara faktor fisik dan sosial-ekonomi dalam perkembangan pertanian di berbagai wilayah
- Mampu mengidentifikasi berbagai sistem pertanian yang ada di dunia dan Indonesia, serta dampaknya terhadap lingkungan
- Mampu menganalisis tantangan yang dihadapi sektor pertanian, seperti perubahan iklim, ketahanan pangan, dan kebijakan pertanian